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Kable Lite 4 Inch Round Through-Ceiling Hardwire Dual Power Feed

A dual-feed canopy is mounted to a wall or ceiling adjacent to the Kable Lite run. It can be used anywhere in the run. It brings power to the Kable Lite run from a remote dual-feed transformer (sold separately). The low-voltage leads from the remote transformer are connected to the canopy leads inside a standard 4 inch junction box. The four leads from the canopy are 24 inch long and can be cut and bent in the field. To drop the Kable Lite system farther down from the ceiling, add two pair of hardwire feeds (sold separately). Isolating connectors for bare cable are included to isolate power feeds from each other.

Kable Lite 4 Inch Round Through-Ceiling Hardwire Dual Power Feed
part code: 700KP4C424S
finish: satin nickel
Kable Lite 4 Inch Round Through-Ceiling Hardwire Dual Power Feed - Dimensions
length: 4''
height: 24''
width: 4''

volts: 12
total wattage: 300 watts
number of circuits supported: 2
made by: tech lighting
upc: 0756460584092
normal price: $187.50
our price:  $127.50
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* pictures may not reflect selected finish option and may depict optional accessories (e.g. shades, extensions, colored lens covers) that are not included. Contact customer care with questions.

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